This blog is about nothing in particular, however it does facilitate my delusions of grandeur and the need to share my thoughts with the world at large...

The more I write, the more I find my stories centre around my love/hate relationship with technology, and my love/love relationship with drinking. What a combo!

Enjoy the time killer...

Friday, January 15, 2010

Major Issues with the World

(In no particular order)

Celebrity obsessed culture
I don't particularly care what Lindsay Lohan had for lunch or who is shagging who now. John and Kate? Gah.

Regional DVDs. Can't we all be as one?
My DVD player is universal, so why can't DVDs be as well? It really confuses my computer...

Destroying communities one town at a time

"Yo - There is something growing on your head"

Fox News
Welcome new commentator, Sarah Palin!

Its a privilege, not a right.

Rock band vs learning to play an actual instrument.
"We should have an acoustic session"
*Click.ClickClick* Clickkity CLiCk. Click" 
"Dude, he's rippin Stairway!" 

People with the worst taste in music listen to it the loudest.

More to come

Feel free to send me your suggestions!!!

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